I was properly introduced to Old Master prints when I was writing my book on the etchings of John Clerk of Eldin to mark the 200th anniversary of his death in 1812. It is an area of the art market that, outside of Masters such as Durer, Rembrandt and Goya, receives surprisingly little public attention. Old Master prints are not invisible but, overall, do not have any significant profile. This piqued my interest to the extent that I began to collect them when I found that etchings by renowned artists were/are available at very reasonable prices, often lower than buying contemporary equivalents. In reference to Clerk of Eldin whose subject matter was landscape I have focussed the collection on landscape too, while also attempting to specialise on etching (as opposed to engraving – more about that on another time). I have created a new gallery on this web site introducing some of the artists, all of whom are well thought of in the history of Old Master prints. More will be added in due course. For information about John Clerk of Eldin (1728-1812) please visit www.clerkofeldin.com
Focus Feature
The Focus Features are miniature exhibitions on a variety of themes which will change every couple of months. Pennie Elfick is the subject of this new display. Her work is very rewarding if you give it the time and attention it deserves.
All enquires and comments welcome. My email address is geoffrey@bertram-arts.com

Wenceslaus Hollar – Des Satyres et des nymphes dans un paysage (after Adam Elsheimer) – 1650